Thursday, September 17, 2015

Model S electric car by Tesla

There is an electric car that was announced a while back in 2012 by a company called Tesla. I bring this up now because after three years of waiting the car is finally being released. The car is called the model S, and it's and entirely electric car capable of going from zero to sixty miles in 2.8 seconds ( I mention this because everyone won't stop bring it up, I get it it's impressive). It's designed a lot like a sports car from what I can tell, and is available in a cheaper, but slightly downgraded version. It's hard to list all the features and statistics this car has, especially because I'm not particularly into cars but this is a very interesting development for people like me who would much rather see more electric cars then the legions of gas powered ones we have to day, and if you want to find out check out the articles here:
And the Tesla website if you want to see other stuff they do:

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