Thursday, January 7, 2016

Seeking Gun Safety Technology

     Obama wants the United States to star making smart guns which is a type of gun that uses technology to stop the gun from being fired. This smart gun is supposed to stop accidental shootings by toddlers, supposed to lead to less teen suicides, and is supposed to cut down illegal trading of weapons. "In each of the three categories of gun deaths — accidental, suicide, and homicide — there would be a reduction in the number of personalized guns were widely available," Stephen Teret, founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center of Gun Policy and Research, said. See I think that these smart guns can help out a little bit but people also have to think what if something goes wrong with the gun? What if the gun doesn't work when I need it to? People need to think of those things because it could still hurt people. If parents have them teenagers can find away and use it still. Stephen Teret also said " No one can tell you any precision exactly how many lives are going to be saved" He noted there were 33,000 gun deaths in the U.S. in 2013. "But it would be a substantial enough number. Enough to make it well worth it to put smart guns on the market." I think it is a good idea to have smart guns but there are some negatives to having them.

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