Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Will today's kids be stumped by the technology of the future?

At the rate we are going right now Apple believes that they could release IPhone 24 by 2050. People are wondering if kids will be able to understand the new technology that will be coming out. "Chris Lucas, a fellow at the university of Edinburgh, says kids' willingness to try new things comes from a fundamental fearlessness. Adults, Lucas says, are encumbered with years and years of experience that has taught them that failure is painful and potentially dangerous; kids, on the other hand, have a safety net in the form of their parents, and few preconceptions about the world." Chris has even lead an experiement to see if adults and kids could turn on a strange machine with different objects. You would put an object on the machine and see if it would start playing music. I think that people are stepping to far ahead of themselves because they are trying to figure out if children will be able to understand new technology that isn't even around yet. They need to slow down and use the technology they have now before they start to try and figure out if kids can use brand new technology.


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