Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Snapchat Spectacles Arriving This Fall!

For a while now, company's like Google and Pivothead have been attempting to put glasses that function as cameras in style. Now the creators of Snapchat are attempting to do the same by releasing "Snapchat Spectacles" as the first product of Snap, inc. Their goal is bigger and better, they want to revolutionize wearable cameras in a way to make them fun-weird instead of creepy-weird. These glasses will not only take pictures but record 10 second videos and upload them to snapchat via an iPhone or android paired with Bluetooth. Each set of glasses comes with a case that acts as a charger much like the iPod. The Snapchat Spectacles are estimated to be about $130, which isn't so outrageous considering some Ray-Bans sell for around $150! Affordability isn't that big of a problem, the question is, will these camera spectacles actually catch on?
Link to Article

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